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How to train the triceps?

Writer's picture: LiftnwanderLiftnwander

Triceps, as the name suggests - is a combo ("Tri") of three muscles/heads namely :

  1. Long head - The thickest and largest of all three heads. this head gives the arms its thickness.

  2. Lateral head or short head - It gives the triceps its "Horse Show" shape. It is the first head visible when someone flexes their triceps.

  3. Middle head - It lies under the long head and assists in pushing weights and locking the arm. It is barely visible, but is necessary for total development and function of the arm.

For total development of the triceps, all three heads are to be stimulated through smart movements:

  1. Long head : Since these attach to the shoulders directly, hence these are primarily hit using overhead movements which requires them to get into a full stretch in a "shoulder flexion" which is possible only when performed overhead. Example - overhead triceps extensions with dumbbell or rope, Skull crushers on the bench, etc. One exception is the kickback exercises which look pretty lame but they stimulate the long head really well. Just make sure to control the weight and get a good squeeze on top of the contraction.

  2. Lateral head or short head : This head is hit using pronated or overhand or palms down grip. Example - overhand triceps push-down, close grip bench press, etc.

  3. Middle head : Hit this one with just one variation over the lateral head exercises - "Reverse the grip" or supinated or palms up grip - All reverse grip triceps exercises will stimulate the inner middle head. Example - Reverse grip bench press, reverse grip one arm cable triceps push down, etc.

An important point to consider is that hitting all three heads of the triceps is required when you are working your arms directly. However, using big compound movements like the overhead press and bench press and variants stimulate great deal of muscle growth in your triceps. Hence, don't forget to push heavy ass weights in the press.

Please note, check your ego at the door and don't try to hit a personal record with heavy weights on triceps and biceps exercises. These are the secondary movers and you're not impressing anyone by hitting a 100lb triceps push down when a 30lb push down can give you a good contraction and work the muscle well. More so, the heavier the weight, the more the body looks to compensate using other muscles. If you want to lift heavy, lift heavy in the bench press, squat and deadlift and their variants with proper form. These compound exercises will not only make you stronger but also stimulate major muscle growth in your secondary movers.

For more information on science based strength training check out the below links:

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