“I am the greatest, I said it even before I knew I was” – Mohd.Ali
Doesn’t it feel weird telling yourself daily that you are strong, you are confident, self sufficient?Why tell yourself all this when the validation is handed over to the world. The world will tell me whether I am great or just good enough to be passionate or weird, fitness enthusiast or a meathead.
Why Self talk?
The world we live in today is the sole reason why self pep talk is a must in today’s day and age where the majority around you are subjective creepos trying to bog you down to live a half realised life only to bog you down again to blame yourself for it.
To do:
Talk yourself to live with passion, to be strong in adversity, be fearless in fear, defender in war and calm in the storm. If your mind wanders daily into doubting your own abilities and always listening to what people say about you, you need your own pep talk on a daily basis. For those confident enough to kick ass daily, do it for maintaining your craft.
How to:
Stand in front of the mirror, look deep into your eyes and say to yourself – “I am strong”, ”I am Positive” in a normal voice, say it again by raise your voice a little, again with emphasizing “Strong”, “Positive”. If you are conditioned to doubt yourself, you will definitely go in search of “Why am I strong?” and you’ll not find anything and thus you won’t be able to go loud, clear and confident and that is where you will know you are conditioned to be a fool the world breeds more of. If indeed you have the courage to come back the next day and do it again, you will again try and find the reasons for “Strong” and here you may just find a little habit of yours that you find something that defines your strength, I could be as simple as waking up early in the morning or maybe you had the courage to stand in front of the mirror again. Once you find it, now you can be confident enough to be loud and clear. The process goes on a daily basis until you start doing more and more things that strong and positive people do. Now you have 3-4 things in your bucket of strong and from here your start to emphasize “strong”. You will add more positive words once you start doing positive stuff. Maybe you are self-amused and happy living life independently, you may say – ”I am self-sufficient”.
You may also not find anything worthy within you which is normal but all you need is to keep going, keep on saying until your mind starts believing it. You head brain will start to associate you with strength and this will lead the body to act with strength in times of crisis and danger. You can change the hardwiring of your brain which is same as the body of course. Keep on adding positive words and keep going at it persistently day after day until you become it.
Final word:
We have all seen the subjective nature of the world we live in – work, relationships, social media. People want people to be levelled, if you move up a notch, others would want to bring you down, only a few or none would bring you up. A normal person giving in to this drama would submit and be less, but someone who listens to his/her voice and acts accordingly changes the mentality and becomes more. Be more !
Warrior Training
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