If you don't know it, how will you work on it?
The common gym community doesn't understand what lies behind them let alone how to work these muscles correctly.
Hopefully this short explanation will help understand the basics.
NECK EXTENSORS - Reverse neck extensions with a neck harness, floor neck bridges
TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE or TRAPS - Shrugs/upright rows, deadlifts.
RHOMBOIDS/TERES MAJOR - YTW, face pulls, wide grip pull ups, rows
REAR DELTS/POSTERIOR SHOULDER - reverse flys, band pull aparts, face pulls
LATS/WINGS - Chin ups/pull ups, lat pull down, straight arm pull down, rows
SPINAL ERECTORS - Back extension, deadlift, hip hinge movements
HIPS/GLUTES - Squats, hip thrust, lunges, glute bridge, deadlift, hip hinge movements
HAMSTRINGS - Romanian deadlift, hamstring curls on the floor/ with Swiss ball/ machine.
CALVES - Calf raise variations, distance running
If you have any questions pertaining to strength and conditioning, hit me up in the comments section below or check out my youtube - Liftnwander // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UComfIzMOVzSTc8Ft_VHTemw?view_as=subscriber
Instagram and Facebook - @liftnwander
email: liftnwander@gmail.com